Psalmopeus irminia Saager, 1994: cheliceral teeth / fang
Sony Alpha 7RII + Cognisys StackShot + Nikon 10x MRL00102
@ ~6,2x Stacked from 145 images (20µm), Helicon B + CCC.
3x Ikea Jansjö, foam cup DIY diffuser (beats the old DIY bendable paper diffuser, see comments) + reflector, 8115px*5500.

The chelicerae are one of the most powerful body parts of the theraphosid. Ventrally on the chelicerae are the fangs, these hollow hypodermic needle-like structures are what deliver venom into prey or attackers. Situated prolaterally on the chelicerae are the cheliceral teeth. The cheliceral teeth aid in helping the spider crush its food. Strikers situated retrolaterally on the chelicerae (Image: ) form half of the primary stridulating organ, which is rubbed against paddle setae on the maxillae to produce sound.… Check the Anatomy Poster for the rest of the text.