The new Scorpion poster!
My latest and newest project “Scorpions – A new experience of scorpion diversity” was released on May 1st, 2018. It’s my biggest and most ambitious project ever. This project was a close cooperation with the renowned German scorpion breeder Mark Stockmann from Skorpionzucht Stockmann. Unlike the “Tarantulas of the World” (TOTW) poster series which was created during 2015 – 2017, and frequently updated, again and again – this scorpion poster, together with three other scorpion posters, was created within only two months of full-time work.
The poster contains over 130 different species from 34 different genera and almost 140 images in total. It outperforms my previous largest tarantula poster by two additional rows and one column, setting a new record in size and resolution, making it the biggest and most detailed scorpion poster I’ve ever made. For the first time, all the scorpions are presented with a scale, allowing you to see the wide variety of differently sized scorpions, from the smallest Picobuthus wahibaensis to the larger Parabuthus spp. All scorpion images were photographed in one single session and edited later in the same way on calibrated devices, for the most accurate color representation possible. Like the previous “TOTW” project, this poster comes with its own book again, which has almost twice the amount of texts than the previous book!
The official “Scorpions” handbook
With over 9200 words and over 90 images, does it feature tons of information about the production of every scorpion poster: from the organization, the photography and editing part to creating the promo images and the exclusive extreme macro images used in it.
You can order the poster which includes the book here: arachnogear.com After the purchase, a PDF download will be available in your ArachnoGear member area under „Downloads“. Please note that the handbook is only available as a PDF download and only in English. There is no printed version available yet.

The new Androctonus poster
The Androctonus poster shows all the 15 different specimens, which are also on the large scorpion poster, including most of the available morphs. With a resolution of over 150 megapixels, it’s ready for prints up to 1,2×0,9m with 300dpi, the images are downsampled to 50-60% of the original size.

The new Parabuthus poster
The Parabuthus poster shows all the 24 different specimens, which are also on the large scorpion poster, including most of the available morphs in the hobby. With a resolution of over 250 megapixels, it’s ready for prints up to 1,6×1,2m with 300dpi, the images are downsampled to 50% of the original size.

The new dwarf scorpions poster
The dwarf scorpions poster shows with 21 “dwarf species” 8 species less than the large scorpion poster. Nonetheless, it represents some of the most unique dwarf specimens, like the insanely small Picobuthus wahibaensis or Femtobuthus shutuae besides many other often overlooked Uroplectes species. With a resolution of over 300 megapixels, it’s ready for prints up to 1,8×1,2m with 300dpi, the images are downsampled to 70% of the original size.
In cooperation with Skorpionzucht Stockmann.